  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Josh 10 years, 1 month ago

Josh Mika

LRC Director

Beebe Elementary

Naperville Community Unit School District 203


Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

D25 TechAcademy

Room 142

12:45 - 1:45 PM

NOTE: This session is based off a collaboration of multiple Apple Distinguished Educators and progressive educators.


-Thank You: Sue Gorman, Camilla Gagliolo, Jon Corippo,  Greg Kulowiec, & many others!

There are myriad iPad apps that are amazing for digital storytelling, but you don't have to stop with just one. Layering apps (a.k.a., app smashing) allows students and teachers to using multiple apps to create a project. During this session, participants will see examples of student-created videos and watch a demonstration of app layering.  Educators will take away a variety of workflows so they can have their students create projects in their classroom.













What is App Smashing?

According to Graphite's simple steps which are attributed to Greg Kulowiec, app smashing is:


  1. Create content with one app.
  2. Create content with another app (or apps).
  3. Merge content together (smashing).
  4. Publish content to the web.


Examples of App Smashing

Thankfully there are many examples of how one could use two or more apps to create a final product on an iOS device.

Kris Kling's: App Smash Explanation

Mrs. Pepe's App Smash Chronicles

Karl Gustafson's App Smash Padlet Wall & Sock Puppets Example

Greg Kulowiec: Paper by 53 + Green Screen by DoInk

TechChef4U: App Synergy


Suggested Apps

Here are a variety of apps that are commonly cited as App Smashing collaborative tools.


Let's Try It!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it:


App Workflow

Many of our #EdTech colleagues have app workflows to aid in the creation of content. The most visual are the ones created by Camila Gagliono (presentation only) and Common Sense Media has created it's own App Flow digital workspace so you can share your App Smashing ideas within.


Bradley Landis: iPad Workflow

Greg Kulowiec: Several Video Examples & Google Presentation


SO Many Resources

The idea of combining or layering apps to create a final product is nothing new. Thankfully for the curious educator, the process has been documented and modeled in various ways. Below is a growing collection of various examples that students and teachers have used to demonstrate the powerful combinations of iOS apps.

App Smashing Dice

iPad4Schools Examples

"Definitive" App Smashing Guide by Miguel Guhlin 


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