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D25 iBooks Author Intro

Page history last edited by Josh 10 years, 1 month ago

Josh Mika

District 25: Tech Academy

Room 124

Session Time: 9:30 - 11:20 AM

iPad in Education: iPad Resources

iPad in Education: iBooks Textbooks



If creating from scratch, authoring in iBook Author might suffice, but most likely you'll be authoring with colleagues or students will be collaborating with each other. Here are some helpful hits when importing chapters and/or sections into iBooks Author:



The basics behind images in iBooks Author is detailed in this video and also demonstrates your choices in static vs. enlarged.



This great video by Jeremy Kemp is starting to be a bit dated, but he does a great job explaining the basics behind iBooks Author & the power of the widget.


Crafty Widgets

My major downfall in creating an interactive, digital book is the classic structure of textbooks.  For years I've read and used texts that have simple columns with square images and captions underneath.  Even though iBooks author is also initially structured like this, you can use widgets and other layout tools to break free from this mold!


iAd Producer

Okay, so you have content you find on the web and would like to embed it in your Multi-Touch book. Is it possible? Heck yeah! Thanks to a variety of tools - Apple's iAd Producer (free with developer account), Tumult Hype (education discount), or blank widget shell (free) - you can take almost any <iFrame> content and create an interactive, web-based widget. Below is an example by ADE Matt Baier, how to create an HTML5 Widget with iAd Producer and Padlet.

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