Josh Mika
LRC Director
Beebe Elementary
Naperville, IL 60563
Super 3
1) Plan
A) What am I supposed to do?
B) What do I need to get the job done?
C) What do I want it to look like when I'm done?
Here are a variety of paid, free, and search sites specific to K-2:
Use digital or analog means to collect your information.
2) Do
D) I must locate the things I will need (books, websites, materials etc.).
E) I need to ask questions, read, and take notes.
F) I need to use the information I find to create something.
Regardless of the choice the students made in the "Planning" stage of the Super 3, the students need to tell their story/present their information.
*More resources on iPad Creation Tools from Karen Bosch: Digital Storytelling Project Examples
3) Review
G) Did I do what I was supposed to do?
H) Am I proud of what I've done?
I) Is there something else I should do before I say I am done?
Students can reflect on their work and their peers through a variety of feedback opportunities.
"To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information."
ALA. (1989, January 10). Presidential committee on information literacy: Final report (Publication). Retrieved May 24, 2014, from American Library Association website
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